viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012

Breaking out a.k.a Fuck you Jiminy Cricket!

So... Its been a while huh? I don't really have much of an explanation for my absence in the blogosphere... Except that the fucking brain-melting parasite is back... No, I haven't lost my mind (I think), but everytime I'm meaning to do anything, from saying hello to someone on Facebook, to replying to an email or even getting up from bed, I get this awful and nasty voice in my head, saying awful stuff like "whats the point?", "who cares about what you have to say? you're not gonna make any difference", "you're stupid, go die plzkthnks"... 

And so far the fucking brain melting parasite has been succesfull... I've stopped talking to people to the point we're my poor social skills, have become even more awkard, if thats even posible... I wouldn't say I'm depressed, depression is a fucking serious  thing, but I haven't felt "good" in a while... And I've had enough of it... I don't like feeling out of place everywhere and everytime, and I've had enough of that little voice telling me off each time I feel like doing anything...
I'm gonna put my shit in order, and I swear on my Madeline Tosh Sock skein that I'm gonna be a productive human being again, no more lurking on the net, no more ignoring my friends, and no more postponing stuff...

I have a few things planned for this blog (which by the way, its gonna be a year old in a few weeks), including (possibly) a pattern... 

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